Endless Online

  1. Endless Online Weapons
  2. Endless Online Book Series
  1. 1 Swords 1.1 Dagger 1.2 Small Sword 1.3 Normal Sword 1.4 Sab 1.5 Broadsword 1.6 Gold Defender 1.7 Warlock Sword 1.8 Lotus Sword 1.9 Crystal Sword 1.10 Killing Edge 1.11 Ice Blade 1.12 Fluon Sword 1.13 Gastro 1.14 Twin Blades 1.15 Dark Katana 1.16 Light Katana 1.17 Adger 1.18 Dark Blade 1.19 Dragon Blade 1.20 Ancient Sword 1.21 Saw Sword 1.22 Rapier 2 Polearms 2.1 Staff 2.2 Luna Staff 2.3.
  2. There are two different worlds in Endless-Online. You have, the in-game community that consists of idiots, morons, people, more people, and more idiots. Then, you have the Endless-Online forum community; which is TOTALLY the opposite of the in-game community.(Not really, but you get the picture.) The game is created by Vult-r using the C+ engine and is currently sponsored by Layered Tech.

Endless Rewind is a rollback in time in the world of Endless Online, bringing you back to days that are long past. A time when Endless Online. Was still in development and didn't have much of a RPG system, when the. Community was more focused on the social interactions and aspects of the game.


News since 24.01.2021Endless

Good day, dear users and players! In this announcement, we would like to tell you about the last changes.

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News since 18.01.2021

Good day, dear users and players! In this announcement, we would like to tell you about the current changes.

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News since 12.12.2020

Greetings dear players! In this announcement, we would like to tell you about the third part of the changes in professions and present a teaser for the Necromancer.

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News since 01.12.2020

Endless Online Weapons

Greetings dear users and players! Today we would like to tell you about the second part of the changes in the professions and present a teaser for one of the new one - 'Thunderer'

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Endless Online Book Series

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