Lord Of The Rings Online
Checking back in with The Lord of the Rings Online. How is the new player experience in 2020? Try it out here: https://store.steampowered.com/app/212500/The. Lord of the Rings Online is the premier MMORPG set in J.R.R. Tolkien’s wondrous world of Middle-earth, brought to life through those most famous of books, The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings.
We are here to help you chose the best class and best solo class for your adventures through Middle-earth in acclaimed ‘Lord of the Rings Online’ massively multiplayer online role-playing game (MMORPG).
Even thou every class has its advantages and disadvantages, and their stats have changed greatly during the years, the three best solo classes would be Lore-Master, Warden and Guardian.
Official website for The Lord of the Rings Online™ with game information, developers diaries, frequently asked questions and message boards. The Lord of the Rings Online never made the jump to console, however, while Amazon plans to release its game on console. Amazon's game has no release date, which suggests it's not coming soon.
![Classes Classes](https://i.pinimg.com/736x/49/45/bd/4945bd94dc83ab0ced79b768d8b67e7d--necromancer-dungeons-and-dragons.jpg)
Lord of the Rings Online classes
Class Difficulty: Advanced
Role: Damage/Support
Available to: Beorning
Gameplay: Beornings are skin-changers that can change into the form of a bear in combat. They focus their wrath while in bear form, choosing to deal grievous blows or bolster their own resolve. While skilled in combat, some Beornings also choose to wield their knowledge of the wilderness to assist their allies.
Lore: The Beornings of Middle-earth are largely reclusive people. They trace their ancestry to Beorn himself and spend most of their time deep in the wilderness. The solitude of the forest gives little comfort in recent times, with the enemy encroaching from all sides. The time has come for the descendants of Beorn to lend their strength to the Free People of Middle-earth.
Who is it for: A sturdy hybrid class that is capable of DPS, tanking and healing. It trades off flexibility during combat for extra sturdiness in it. Once you enter combat your trait tree, gear and legendary items are locked in and your role is fixed. But you are an excellent healer that still dish out damage and be right up in the bosses’ face. A class that can fill all the roles that you or your group might want. It rewards knowing the instance or fight while not easy to play in most landscape or easier instances. Ever since its revamp in 2018 it can fill every place in ME. Even small nooks if you prepare your bear in advance.
This class is inspired by Beorn, who bravely stood with the Free Peoples during the Battle of Five Armies.
Class Difficulty: Advanced
Role: Support
Available to: Hobbit, Man
Gameplay: Burglars are masters of debuffing, skills that cause foes to deal less damage, or be easier to defeat. They utilize their Trick skills to debuff foes, and can later remove the Tricks for additional benefits. Burglars also have stealth skills and are proficient in initiating Fellowship Manoeuvres. In Fellowships, a Burglar supports his or her allies by debuffing foes, while dealing respectable damage.
Lore: Burglars are masters of stealth and misdirection. They rely on sleight-of-hand and starting attacks that allow their companions to overwhelm adversaries.
Who is it for: The Burglar will be the class of choice for players that enjoy using cunning and tricks to defeat their opponents. Using concealment, a Burglar can strike from the shadows, taking his opponents unawares. With his wit, a Burglar can show his allies where a foe’s weakness lies — or trap someone in a riddle. A Burglar’s combat style hinges on his ability to outmaneuver and outwit opponents while hitting them where it hurts.
This class is inspired by the famous Bilbo Baggins, who accompanied Thorin and Company on their quest to the Lonely Mountain.
Class Difficulty: Moderate
Role: Support
Available to: High Elf, Man
Gameplay: Captains are armored melee fighters and masters of buffing; skills that enhance allies. They may summon a Herald companion to fight by their side, ensuring they always have an ally to buff. They can also Mark foes, giving benefits to all who attack them. In Fellowships, a Captain supports his or her allies with healing and buffs, while still dealing with respectable damage.
Lore: The Captains of the Middle-earth hold the future in their hands. By their own strength of arms and the inspiration they instill in others, they must lead the Free Peoples to victory.
Who is it for: The Captain will be the class of choice for players who enjoy supporting their fellows while participating in melee combat. With her unique ability to plant banners to increase the battle prowess of those near them, the Captain helps to define where a fight will happen. Her battle cries allow her to take advantage of certain events in combat to aid the morale or combat ability of her fellows. A Captain’s style of combat focuses on inspiring those around her to glory
This class is inspired by Eärnur, last King of Gondor, who was revered both as a Captain skilled in arms and as a Lore-Master.
Class Difficulty: Basic
Role: Damage
Available to: Dwarf, Elf, High Elf, Man
Gameplay: Champions wade into battle swinging their weapons in all directions, dealing significant damage to many foes at once. With each strike, their Fervour grows, allowing them to use even more potent skills. Special stances may be used to greatly increase damage dealt at the cost of defense, or enhance defense at the cost of the damage. In Fellowships, a Champion concentrates on engaging as many foes as possible.
Lore: Unrelenting in battle, Champions are the consummate warriors. A Champion cares not for his or her own well-being but relies instead on strength and prowess to slay the Enemy before they can bring further destruction to Middle-earth.
Who is it for: The Champion will be the class of choice for players that enjoy fast-paced combat with multiple options available at any given moment. Champions can use various weapon styles but focus on using two weapons simultaneously. With their active play-style Champions are able to consistently cause large amounts of damage to both single and multiple opponents in combat. Their style of combat revolves around the idea that the best defense is a good offense.
This class is inspired by Gimli son of Glóin, whose skill in arms matched the bow-skills of Legolas.
Class Difficulty: Basic
Role: Defence
Available to: Dwarf, Elf, High Elf, Hobbit, Man
Gameplay: Guardians wear heavy armor and have many defensive skills that allow them to survive battles against the most fearsome foes. Guardians also have skills that draw foes’ attention away from their allies and themselves. In Fellowships, a Guardian forces enemies to attack himself or herself, so his or her more fragile allies will not be harmed by foes.
Lore: The Guardians are the stout protectors of the weak, and defenders of those in need. They are loyal companions to the end. True Guardians stand at the forefront of the battle, shielding allies from enemy assaults.
Who is it for: The Guardian will be the class of choice for players that enjoy drawing the attention of their foes in combat and taking advantage of their missteps. Masters of the defensive arts, Guardians use taxing attacks and irksome taunts to draw and hold opponents’ attention, relying on their shield and weapon to turn aside incoming attacks with blocks and parries. A Guardian’s combat style depends on creating openings during an opponent’s attack to provide the opportunity for their own counter-attack.
This class was inspired by the hobbit Samwise Gamgee, whose loyalty to Frodo Baggins knew no bounds.
One of the best solo Lord of the Rings Online classes, currently probably number 1 solo class in game.
Class Difficulty: Basic
Role: Damage
Available to: Dwarf, Elf, High Elf, Hobbit, Man
Gameplay: Hunters are proficient at dealing significant damage to a single foe at long range. Their basic bow skills generate Focus, allowing them to use even more potent skills. If a foe manages to close into melee, Hunter’s dual-wielded weapons are capable of dealing with a final blow. In Fellowships, a Hunter concentrates on quickly defeating foes one at a time.
Lore: Hunters are masters of field and forest, unmatched in their dexterity with the bow. They use their survival skills to guide companions and lay traps for enemies. The coming of the Enemy has forced them to adapt these skills to use against new prey.
Who is it for: The Hunter will be the class of choice for players who enjoy striking a target at range. Clever by nature, the Hunter is known to lure his targets into traps to hinder them, giving him time to use his bow to deadly effect. A Hunter’s knowledge of nature also provides skills that help him and his fellows survive in the wild. A Hunter’s combat style depends on the ability to injure a foe while staying out of harm’s way.
This class was inspired by Legolas, Prince of Mirkwood, a mighty hunter and companion of Aragorn.
Class Difficulty: Advanced
Role: Support
Available to: Elf, High Elf, Man
Gameplay: Lore-masters are the masters of crowd control, skills that trap foes and keep them from fighting. They may call on animal companions to fight by their side, and even call on elemental forces to damage foes. In Fellowships, a Lore-master concentrates on supporting his or her allies, primarily by hindering the foe’s ability to deal damage.
Lore: Lore-masters are seekers of knowledge and the guardians of wisdom. Through the study of bygone Ages, they learn ancient secrets that allow them to hinder foes, as well as protect against the dark powers of the Enemy. They have many skills that invoke the natural world of Middle-earth, but it is draining on their will, thus costing them Morale to fuel some of these powerful skills.
Who is it for: The Lore-master will be the class of choice for the player that enjoys using the power of ancient lore to aid their allies and hinder their foes. Steeped in the histories of Middle-earth Lore-masters are able to aid their fellows in recovering from maladies caused by the forces of the Dark Lord. They can also use their knowledge to daze, harm, or hinder their enemies, as well as give of themselves to strengthen another. Some Lore-masters are even said to be able to communicate with animals and request their aid. A Lore-master’s combat style is anchored in the power of knowledge and using it intelligently to defeat evil.
This class was inspired by Elrond Halfelven, Elf-lord, and Master of Rivendell.
One of the best solo Lord of the Rings Online classes, even thou, not nearly as good as it was somewhere between 2007-2011.
Class Difficulty: Moderate
Role: Healer
Available to: Dwarf, Elf, High Elf, Hobbit, Man
Gameplay: Minstrels are known for their healing abilities, and are capable of dealing respectable damage with War-speech. They have a variety of support skills and special Ballads. Using a Ballad unlocks more potent Ballads, which culminate with powerful Anthems. In Fellowships, a Minstrel keeps allies healed and supported.
Lore: Middle-earth is a land deeply infused with music, and true Minstrels are skilled at tapping into that power. They weave songs and tales so stirring that their companions’ morale will not fail, and they will be driven to perform greater feats of prowess. They can even utter words of true power, and ward against the forces of darkness with their Anthems.
Who is it for: The Minstrel will be the class of choice for players who want to aid their friends, inspiring them to keep going through the darkest of times. With a vast repertoire of tales both fair and foul, a Minstrel restores the morale of her fellows, as well as causing enemies to despair. Though able to wield weapons, she prefers to let her words, rather than her sword, speak for her. A Minstrel’s style of combat is based on maintaining hope no matter what the odds.
This class was inspired by Lúthien Tinúviel, whose Elven voice beguiled friend and foe alike.
Class Difficulty: Moderate
Role: Damage/Healer
Available to: Dwarf, Elf, High Elf
Gameplay: Rune-keepers must choose during each battle to focus on damaging skills or healing skills. Either choice shifts their Attunement, unlocking more potent skills, but the choice also restricts access to other skills. In addition, they have support skills that may always be used. In Fellowships, a Rune-keeper keeps allies healed, or deals significant damage to foes.
Lore: Rune-keepers are gifted linguists and masters of true names. With this knowledge, a Rune-keeper crafts powerful rune-words that help the Free Peoples. Through unparalleled mastery of Angerthas and Tengwar runes, a Rune-keeper evokes much more than a normal scribe. Dagor runes deal with battle, Nestad with healing, and Thalas with support.
Who is it for: The Rune-keeper is the class of choice for the player looking to damage foes and aid allies. Their kind had a hand in curiosities like moon-letters and marvels like the west gate to Moria. In these troubled times, even these normally secluded linguists have stepped up to fight against the Enemy. A Rune-keeper’s style of combat involves staying out of harm’s way, and taking on a damaging or inspiring role as circumstances dictate.
Lord Of The Rings Online Ps4
The class is inspired by the master Elf-smith Celebrimbor, whose skill with runes of power was unparalleled.
Class Difficulty: Advanced
Role: Defence
Available to: Elf, High Elf, Hobbit, Man
Gameplay: Wardens are mobile melee combatants who use Javelins for initiating combat and against ranged foes. Their unique Warden Shield and a variety of defensive skills allow them to stay in the fight longer than most. Basic Warden skills build up their Gambit chain, which can be spent to unleash special Gambit skills. In Fellowships, a Warden forces enemies to attack themself, so their more fragile allies will not be harmed by the foes.
Lore: The Warden patrols the borders of civilized lands, preventing the encroachment of fell creatures from the Wild. They limit themselves to medium armor, so they can travel swiftly and silently to defend those they protect from threats. Wardens all have some military training and have mastered a style of combat that uses combinations of basic attacks to create masterful Gambits.
Who is it for: The Warden is the class of choice for players that enjoy defending their allies by taking the brunt of an attacker’s aggression. Their style of combat involves linking complex maneuvers to produce a Gambit, allowing Wardens to attract the attention of foes, deal with incoming damage, and dish out some of their own as well.
Lord Of The Rings Online Wiki
The class was inspired by the march warden of Lothlórien, Haldir, and his brothers Rúmil and Orophin.
Lord Of The Rings Online Review
One of the best solo Lord of the Rings Online classes, even thou it is still great, its best time was somewhere between 2011-2015.